Chris Pinson
Dawn Biehl
John Campbell
Our Story
In August 2011 three friends and long time residents of Sebastian bought the property formerly known as Suzy’s Tiki. How could they go wrong? Two and half acres on the river which just happens to have a liquor bar on it. One of the owners, Chris Pinson grew up on a houseboat just a stone’s throw away from the property. One of the other owners, Dawn Biehl, swam in the pool as a young adult , which is now filled and lies under the dance floor. Finally, the last owner recently relocated back to Sebastian and settled in his home on Indian River Drive. Little did they know that they were not only investing in real estate, but investing in the residents of and visitors to Sebastian.

Plans for expansion
The building known as the “Old House” will be renovated to accommodate an auxiliary bar and service area. The plan is to finally provide frozen drinks. This auxiliary bar will be very helpful during season and on those very busy weekends when the weather is picture perfect. It will also provide a bit of cover from the rain and cold.